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影片改編自澳大利亞兒童作家卡羅爾·威爾金森(Carole Wilkinson)的同名奇幻小說,以生活在中國古代的養龍女孩「萍」為主人公。
With the disappearance of the dragons and the rise of an evil Emperor, the fate of ancient China rests on the shoulders of one young girl, who must find the last remaining dragon egg and fulfill her destiny. Join Ping as she becomes who she was always meant to be... the DragonKeeper.
Rinka is single and works as a wedding planner. She is not good with dating men. Her colleague suggests trying a dating app. Rinka reluctantly registers with the dating app and gets matched to a man. When they meet, the man has a totally different appearance from his picture on the app. He seems like an ordinary man, but Rinka feels something is not right about him. Meanwhile, a series of murder cases takes place. The victims were all users of the dating app. The man that Rinka met through the app is investigated for the serial murder cases.
時間緊迫,腹背受敵,剛剛卸甲歸來的吳巍(呂良偉 飾)、劉驍深感責任重大。吳巍當機立斷,帶領幾個性格迥異的人臨時成立特別行動小組,準備潛入百名暴徒的聚集點,展開一場懸殊之戰。他們利用豐富的知識和專業技能製作出簡易設備,沿著槍林彈雨潛入敵營,用特殊的信號塔發出了求救信號,並炸掉了軍火庫,開著軍火庫裡的坦克撞開了大門,在高天明(元彪 飾)的掩護下順利逃脫。然而事情尚未完結,就在準備離島之際,吳巍發現,自己的女兒圓圓和Z先生,都已經成為對方的人質,而挾持著圓圓的毒蠍,也正準備駕駛直升飛機逃離島嶼。脫去了軍裝,但肩上的職責猶在,一朝為軍人,終身是軍人。為了將犯罪分子繩之於法,解救被困的人質,吳巍和劉驍重回最危險的境地,與喪失人性的犯罪分子進行了慘烈的對決……
《如果主子會說話》FLUFFY LOVE
The orange cat originally had no expectations of living with humans. When he was wandering, he was temporarily taken in by the kind-hearted Chen Yuting. Just when he felt that humans were actually different from what cats thought, Chen Yuting suddenly disappeared. Why did the girl leave, but he knew that Lu Junxiang, who didn't have any pets but often came to buy feed, also wanted to find her, and even used his brains on a cat in order to find the goddess in his heart!
Ever since he and Lu Junxiang started living together as humans and cats, in addition to enjoying the right of being commanded and trampled by cats, there is also a particularly interesting task, which is to allow Lu Junxiang to get closer to Chen Yuting, who is destined to be with them, and at the same time avoid all kinds of misunderstandings. My childhood sweetheart Feifei is actively chasing after my love.
Tells the story of Chen Shuo, who is still clinging to his dreams in the face of a dilemma, and accidentally meets Ding Lei in his life. In the face of several obstacles and difficulties, can they turn the tide and fight back against the problems of life?
《喜歡這個我》I AM WHAT I AM
“我不明白愛是什麼”,Kasumi 告訴她的同事。但是,一個人如何在一個被愛的觀念所束縛的社會中生活呢?當她的母親試圖安排婚姻,甚至她工作場所的孩子們都陷入“三角戀”時,Kasumi 試圖找到自己的生活方式。這部電影以感人的方式描繪了日本社會的無性戀和代際差異。
“I don’t get what love is”, Kasumi tells her colleague. But how does one operate in a society that is gripped by the notion of love? While her mother tries to arrange a marriage, and even the children at her workplace are in a “love triangle”, Kasumi tries to find her own way of living. The movie depicts asexuality and the intergenerational differences of Japanese society in a touching way.
Yujiro and Hiyori have been married for 4 years now. From the outside, they seem to be a perfectly happy couple with their pet owl, Charlie. But one day, Yujiro accidently finds Hiyori’s posts on a social media called “Hubby Death Note,” where wives including Hiyori are writing tons of horrifying complaints about their husbands. This opens up their lack of communication and the fact that they have grown apart. Yujiro and Hiyori both try to put things back together but everything goes wrong…
上門護理所的經理和不能自理的老人被發現一同伏屍屋內,檢控官追查下去,發現近年多達42 名老人的自然死亡,都與一名天使般的看護員相關。生命中不能承受的重擔,貧困的照顧者如同活在深淵之中,殺生即解救,彼此皆可脫離地獄。改編自葉真中顯的得獎社會派推理小說,松山研一作為最適任的表演者,與長澤正美展開何謂正義的雄辯。後疫情的當下,對照全世界都以社會成本作考慮,楢山節考的重演如果是真理,那親情羈絆與人性尊嚴應否重新定界限?
On an early morning, two dead bodies are found at a house. One deceased person is a senior citizen and the other deceased person is their caregiver. Shiba Munenori works for the same home health care agency that the deceased caregiver worked for. Shiba Munenori is known as a kind and devoted caregiver. Yet, the police begin to target him as a suspect. While investigating the case, Prosecutor Otomo Hidemi learns that the home health care agency has an unusually high mortality rate. To uncover the truth, Otomo Hidemi confronts Shiba Munenori.
《長空之王》”Born to fly”是由劉曉世執導,桂冠、劉曉世編劇,王一博、胡軍、於適領銜主演,周冬雨特別主演的電影 .
雷宇(王一博飾)等優秀飛行員經過嚴苛選拔,正式成為了我國新一代試飛員——一款戰鬥機的正式列裝,背後不僅有無數科研人員的努力,也需要試飛員們一次次對飛機的安全邊界和極限狀態進行測試。他們在隊長張挺(胡軍 飾)的帶領下,參與到了最新型戰機的試飛。高空之上,發動機驟停甚至失火,飛機失去控制……他們一次次與死神過招,只為獲取最極限的資料。隨著戰機交付日期的臨近,任務難度逐漸升級,他們能否凱旋……
Born to Fly is an upcoming Chinese military film set against the backdrop of the decades of modernization of the People's Liberation Army Air Force. Directed by Liu Xiaoshi and produced by Han Han, starring Wang Yibo, Hu Jun, Yu Shi, and Zhou Dongyu.
Born to Fly tells the story of a special operations team headed by elite pilots, being ordered to test new fighter jets. Test flight after test flight, they continue to challenge the sky and the limits of themselves.
During the initial outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, the interconnected stories of three female protagonists unfold simultaneously in different cities across China. 'Hero' tells stories of love, faith, courage and strength.
《電影版 99.9 不可能的翻案》
總是追求事件真相,並將多起看似99.9%不可能逆轉的事件以無罪翻案的律師深山大翔(松本潤 飾),任職於斑目法律事務所刑事案件專門室,與成為新所長的佐田(香川照之 飾)、新人律師穗乃果(杉咲花 飾),天天面對不同的案件。
某日,他們接到一起15年前發生的「天華村毒紅酒事件」相關委託,與這起事件有關的神祕律師南雲(西島秀俊 飾),與她的女兒繪理(蒔田彩珠 飾),究竟是敵是友?深山等人來到天華村,遇見了名為守(道枝駿佑 飾)的青年,一邊接受他的幫助一邊徹底調查15年前的案件。看似找到可以翻案的關鍵、在眾人以為可以奇蹟大逆轉時,卻發現那是被人巧妙設下的陷阱…。
A stickler for the facts, criminal case specialist lawyer Miyama (Jun Matsumoto) has piled up an impressive case record winning those deemed 99.9% impossible working at the Madarame Law Office with rookie lawyer Honoka (Hana Sugisaki) under newly promoted office chief Sada (Teruyuki Kagawa). His biggest challenge comes with a new case involving a Tenka Village wine poisoning incident from 15 years ago involving an enigmatic lawyer, Nagumo (Hidetoshi Nishijima) and his daughter Eri (Aju Makita). Unsure whether the seemingly virtuous Nagumo is friend or foe, Miyama’s team recruits the aid of a local youth named Mamoru (Shunsuke Michieda) and uncovers critical evidence for a miraculous decision reversal. But this turns out to be a carefully laid trap. Miyama is manipulated into making false charges that plunges the Madarame Law Office into a major crisis. Can he pull out a 0.1% miracle again?
Miss Pompo, from a movie family, has been watching movies with her grandfather since she was a child. As a producer of the film company, she is responsible for the preparatory work and shooting of the entire film. Editing and dubbing. She is almost the helmsman of the whole movie, she can see the potential of the roles and actors, let them play their talents and do their best!
It's a pity that all of her productions are B-level movies, and PA Gene, who is her assistant, is also a movie nerd, and she is also puzzled by this.
One day, Miss Pompo wrote the script "MEISTER" by herself and handed it over to Gene, "This time it's up to you La, director", Gene was very surprised, self-examination. Can he make Miss Pompo's masterpiece...?
田上晃(皆川暢二 飾)是一名成功的企業家,他開設的「指南針」網漫手機程式是業界翹楚。晃20多歲時從鄉下來到東京,最初和朋友一起創業,但在事業獲得成功後,他身邊再沒有朋友和家人,白天打拚事業,晚上就找陌生女人一夜情。
多年未見重相逢的冤家父子吳仁耀(劉昊然 飾)、吳仁騰(沈騰 飾)開摩托時撞見了志不同道不合的孤兒兄妹周歡歌、周歡頌,還巧遇各種不靠譜的狐朋狗友們(劉浩存,尹正,喬杉等 飾)。
《這個殺手不太冷靜》TOO COOL TO KILL
男主魏成功(魏翔 飾)是個努力多年但一直混在邊緣的小演員,某一天他突然得到了一個機會,著名女明星米蘭女士(馬麗 飾)邀請他飾演新戲男一號卡爾,人設是神秘殺手。然而,米蘭告訴魏成功,這場戲沒有劇本全要憑他自己發揮,因為導演希望演員能夠完全投入,在拍攝現場他也看不見攝像頭。但他不知道,他在戲中的對手角色——哈威(陳明昊 飾)並不是演員,而是真正的黑幫老大。於是,故事就這麼開始……
才華橫溢的攝影師陳志成從小就能看到常人看不見的東西,且長年被“紅衣女子”糾纏,導致身邊的親人與愛人陸陸續續在鬼影的操控下,於慘狀層疊中失去生命,也因此經常被神志不清的母親無端咒駡。由於天生與常人不同,又經歷過姐姐、姐夫的詭異死亡、靠近自己的女生也無故死亡,讓他不敢去接受新的情感,只能將自己封鎖在蜂擁而至的無盡驚悚與愧疚中,遭受身心的雙重折磨 。
The talented photographer Chen Zhicheng has been able to see things that ordinary people can't see since he was a child, and has been entangled by "the woman in red" for many years, causing his relatives and lovers around him to lose their lives in tragic cascades under the control of ghosts one after another. Because of this, he is often cursed for no reason by his delirious mother. Because he was born different from ordinary people, he has experienced the strange death of his sister and brother-in-law, and the girl who was close to him also died for no reason, so he did not dare to accept new emotions, and he could only block himself in the endless horror and guilt that swarmed. Suffered both physical and mental torture.
因犯法而放棄拳擊生涯的壘(橫濱流星 飾)在停車場打工維生,結識了失明女孩明香里(吉高由里子 飾),因意外失去雙親與視力的她,用開朗點亮了壘沉寂已久的生活。被悲劇折磨的兩人墜入愛河並開始同居,壘也積極重返拳擊擂台,為兩人的未來努力奮鬥。此時壘過去的組織老大(町田啟太 飾)找上門,用明香里的安全威脅他參加地下拳擊為他賺錢。為了讓明香里重見光明,壘決定站上地下擂台打最後一場拳……
A tragic accident lead to Akari's blindness, but she clings to life and the smaller pleasures it can still afford her. Akari has also lost her family. She meets Rui a former kick boxer, misplaces him and the two begin speaking. He too has a past and is disassociated with most of society. One things leads to another and they develop feelings for one another. However, the too are connected in more than one way. Rui attempts to do what is right.
小東是一個非法居留兒童,從小跟著衫佬流落在女人街,每天模仿著正常兒童“扮返學”。他從小便和衫佬相依為命,衫佬待他如親子。每天小東都會到衫佬的貨倉“尋寶”,再到他的“秘密基地”。這一天小東如常到貨倉,卻意外認識了“肉參”欣欣,並誤打誤撞救了她。與此同時,為了躲避員警的搜捕,黑幫大佬火屎哥插贓偷回來的鑽石到貨車司機珮怡的貨物之中,因為這些鑽石子豪與珮怡結“緣”。一場賊贓與綁架案件交織著錯摸,小東得到了一個完整“家”的感覺,四人命運走在一起殊途同歸 。
「像我們這種人,只能獨自活下去,所以一定要更勇敢才行。」午夜時分,在新宿的人妖秀舞廳,濃妝豔抹的跨性別者凪沙(草彅剛 飾)在舞台上一邊賣笑、一邊跳著蹩腳的天鵝湖。為了錢,凪沙同意暫時收留親戚的女兒一果(服部樹咲 飾)。時值青春期的一果長期受到酗酒母親(水川麻美 飾)暴力對待,不僅沉默寡言,甚至有自殘傾向。當她出了車站,看著眼前親戚口中的「叔叔」,儘管困惑,卻也沒多說什麼。就這樣,總是苟活在社會角落的凪沙,遇上無依無靠的一果。某天,一果經過芭蕾舞教室深受吸引,並在舞蹈老師的積極邀請下加入學習。然而,為了支付學費,一果開始瞞著凪沙從事非法打工,卻讓自己身陷險境,讓凪沙不得不出面善後。也因此,凪沙得知了一果驚人的舞蹈天分,看著一果翩翩起舞的身影,他在一果的身上找到自己以及成為母親的渴望,他決定不計代價也要幫助一果完成躍上舞台的夢想!
演員: 林子聰、何華超、陳積榮、羅彩玲、駱振偉、李美慧、黎澤恩、趙詠瑤、吳娜、陳東泰、江栢
《明天你是否依然愛我》I REMEMBER
傳說,看見極光會帶來一輩子的幸福。一直被當做「工具人」、零存在感的IT宅男費力 (李鴻其 飾) 在一次公司旅行中到了芬蘭,虔誠地向極光許願,希望能得到他暗戀的女神趙希曼 (楊穎 飾) 垂青,哪怕只有一天也好。
A WRITER’S ODYSSEY tells the story of Kongwen Lu (Dong Zijian), the author of a fantasy novel series following a heroic teenager, also named Kongwen, on a quest to end the tyrannical rule of Lord Redmane, under the guidance of a Black Armor (Guo Jingfei). But through a strange twist of fate, the fantasy world of the novel begins to impact life in the real world, leading Guan Ning (Lei Jiayin) to accept a mission from Tu Ling (Yang Mi) to kill the author.
《新神榜 : 哪吒重生》
The story happens after over 2000 years when Nezha conquered the Dragon King in the novel Fengshen Yanyi. Our hero, a normal young deliveryman Li Yunxiang, though coming from the slum area, is living a satisfying life and enjoying motor racing at his spare time. But when the arrogant wealthy son of Boss De(the Dragon King) beats him down, takes away his beloved motor, and even wounds his innocent orphan sister, his deep anger turns into a blast of Truth Fire. The true identity—Nezha, is revealed. Nezha, the God of Rebel, violent and egocentric, empowers Yunxiang, but the newly obtained uncontrollable power brings new harm to Yunxiang’s family and friends. Meanwhile Nezha’s old enemies are seeking revenges too. Facing the twist of fate, Yunxiang has to find out his own way to become a true hero…
幾天後,她再次在附近一家咖啡店前找到了那隻狗。 咖啡店的老闆布瀨爺爺被鄰居認為是固執而奇怪的。與沙也加一樣,布瀨爺爺在幾十年前的小兒子去世後仍然無法接受現實。
Sayaka, an 8-year-old girl, still cannot accept that Lou, her loving dog has passed away. One day, Sayaka goes to the secret place where they used to play together to look for Lou, believing that he is still alive somewhere. And there, she encounters a dog.
A few days later, she finds the dog again in front of a coffee shop in her neighbourhood. Kotaro Fuse, the owner of the coffee shop, is said to be stubborn and peculiar by the neighbors. In the same way as Sayaka, old Fuse still cannot accept the reality after his little son’s death a few decades ago.
Sayaka starts visiting Fuse’s coffee shop often and they gradually get to know each other.
Life, death, and the strong wish to see one’s love once again. They encounter the miracle “illusion”.
Yori Suzuki (Ryo Yoshizawa), Shizuku Tachibana (Yuko Araki) and Subaru Tojo (Yosuke Sugino) were friends when they were children. They promised that they would all become stars, but they moved away.
Now, Yori Suzuki is a high school student. He looks rather plain with glasses, but Shizuku Tachibana is a popular model and Subaru Tojo is a popular actor. Yori Suzuki decides to pursue his dream. He also has feelings for Shizuku Tachibana and transfers to the high school where she attends. Yori and Shizuku meet again. Yori becomes an assistant for Shizuku on her CM shootings. He happens to appear in a CM and gains popularity as the "mysterious boy."
Meanwhile, Shizuku Tachibana and Subaru Tojo are cast for a stage performance. When the curtain drops after their successful first performance, Subaru Tojo confesses his feelings to Shizuku Tachibana. Yori Suzuki also overhears his words.
《守望春天的我們》 Waiting For Spring
春野美月(土屋太鳳 飾)進入高中後,希望可以很好地融入到班集體中,但並不順利。淺倉永久(北村匠海飾)是美月班上的同學,經常在教室裡睡覺,擁有無口天然屬性,而且是籃球部的四大帥哥之一。籃球部四大帥哥深受全校妹子的歡迎,加上籃球部為了避免戀愛糾紛定下成員不准戀愛的規定,如果哪個妹子膽敢與他們談戀愛勢必會成為全校公敵。這四人經常到美月打工的地方聚會,美月也因此看到了他們待人親切,而且心思單純的一面,跟他們也混熟了。另一方面,美月交上了朋友,對方似乎對男孩子之間的革命友情特別感興趣.
Yo-kai Watch Shadowside the Movie:
Resurrection of the Demon King
《茄哩啡事務所》Special Actors
憑著《屍殺片場》一舉成名的"上田慎一郎"推出第二部自編自導長篇作品,並從1400人中選出15位擁有演出經驗但欠缺知名度的演員,推出全新喜劇《Special Actors》。
故事講述大野和人(大澤數人)為一名失業演員,某日與親弟大野宏樹(河野宏紀)事隔多年重遇,並跟隨他加入名為「Special Actors」的事務所,他們除了參與電影和電視劇工作之外,同時接受各種委託及咨詢。某日一位名為津川祐未(小川未祐)的少女來到事務所,希望阻止邪教集團保護其家族旅館。男主角一行人對抗邪教, 面對意想不到的結局。
"Kazuto is not a typical actor... actually, he's not an actor at all!
He's just a timid young guy who regularly faints from stress, hopelessly impressed with the psychic strength of the Rescueman B-movie hero. Or perhaps Kazuto is actually... Somehow Kazuto ends up being a key 'player' in a real life drama in which a young woman, Rina, is brainwashed and stops talking. She is about to transfer the family inn to the heartless 'Rice Ball' cult! Her sister, Yumi, desperately asks the Special Actors to help. A complex plan is devised, and everything depends upon... Kazuto!? Various aspiring actors gives it their all as they play their roles on the ultimate stage of everyday life. Just when you think you understand who is who and what is what, an unbelievable twist!"
The House Where the Mermaid Sleeps
The daughter of a couple whose marriage is about to end falls into a coma after nearly drowning in a pool. What decision will the couple make? Will the outcome be a tragedy or a miracle?
2011入選金馬獎百大華語電影 、2001入選亞洲週刊20世紀中文電影100強、2014入選本屆坎城影展「經典放映」單元。
本片以徐楓及白鷹等四人在竹林中激戰的場面蔚為經典,胡金銓剪接影片時,首創以短鏡頭畫面的快速銜接來推衍劇情,並營造出在螺旋空間中飛躍的震撼視覺和臨場感,他也因此榮獲1975 年坎城影展高等電影技術委員會大獎。
電影版 《妖怪手錶:永遠的朋友》
Eiga Yo-Kai Watch Forever Friends
"Sakura Motomachi, Tokyo in the 1960s.
Shin, a boy who lived happily, despite being poor, loses his mother, his only family member, and falls into deep misfortune.
Itsuki, a boy who saves Shin. He also lost his older sister.
Those two boys are joined by Tae, a girl who can see Yo-kai, and together with Shin's guardian spirit Sū-san, and new Yo-kai such as Nekomata, they take on a mysterious incident in order to retrieve the souls of their precious family!
And what is the shocking truth that awaits them...!?
This is a story about the friendship formed between three children and Yo-kai―"
《無痛奇俠》The Man Who Feels No Pain
My Dad is a Heel Wrestler
曾經在擂台上大放異彩的王牌摔角選手大村孝志(棚橋弘至 飾),因負傷而消聲匿跡。一直鍾情摔角運動的他,選擇戴上壞蛋面具,以「假面蟑螂」的蒙面身份重出江湖飾演擂台上的奸角,就算出盡矛招與對手死纏爛打,被觀眾們的噓聲嘲弄,打死也不離開他最熱愛的摔角擂台,等待回歸大賽的一天。面對唸幼稚園的兒子祥太 (寺田心 飾) 問起自己的職業,「假面蟑螂」的稱號實在難以啟齒,孝志選擇一直瞞著祥太自己是擂台上的奸角,直到祥太意外發現爸爸竟然是摔角擂台上無惡不作的大壞蛋!
更糟糕的是,同學們居然誤會祥太的爸爸是人氣摔角冠軍佐治威龍,紛紛向祥太索取爸爸的簽名,祥太突然大受同學仔歡迎感到飄飄然,但一連串的謊話除了引發意想不到的笑料,同時也傷了老爸孝志的心。苦候十年,孝志終於有機會重回大賽,卻得不到祥太的支持,為了成為兒子心目中的英雄,孝志不理醫生的告誡,打算在台上使出「必殺技」,為的是用自己的人生毅力教會祥太 ─ 勝利不是最重要的事。
“Daddy’s job is to be a bad guy wrestler. At first, I was shocked…”
Shota sneaks into his dad’s car to do a report on “What Daddy Does” for school. What does he see there? “Daddy’s job is to be a bad guy wrestler. At first, I was shocked…”
Once he was a popular wrestler, but as he got older and injured, Takashi became the villain wrestler “Cockroach Mask”, a role which he plays with all his strength. “If there’s no bad guys, the heroes won’t have anyone to fight, right?” Takashi says, but his son, Shota, is ashamed to tell anyone that his father is the hated Cockroach Mask.
At first Shota’s shocked and embarrassed, but when he sees how hard his dad fights, he starts to think that he’s really cool. Viewers will love to see Cockroach Mask fight, and the father’s love for his son, and how his wife watches over them both.
《一吻定情》Fall In Love At First Kiss
Xiang Qin and Zhi Shu first met in high school and fell in love at collegue, among all their youth time, they encourage each other and moving forward toward their study and future life, with their faith to love and passion to each other, overcame all the obstacle and became the one and only lover!
《幕後古玩家》We Make Antiques!
A dowdy antique dealer Norio finds a valuable tea cup of the most famous Japanese tea master Sen no Rikyu from the 16th century when searching inside a storehouse of a rich family. Norio deceives the homeowner Sasuker to get it for almost northing, but it turns out that Sasuke is a mere house-sitter and the teacup is made by Sasuke himself. When Norio learns that Sasuke used to be hopeful potter derailed by an antique authenticator Norio himself has a painful history against, the two decide to make the gamble of a lifetime against the authenticator they both have a score to settle with. Involving their wives and children, this act of game goes quite unexpectedly.
《美麗之星》A Beautiful Star
天氣預報總是失準的氣象主播老爸大杉重一郎(中川雅也 飾)、充滿野心的打工族兒子一雄(龜梨和也 飾)、擁有美麗外貌的厭世女大學生女兒曉子(橋本愛 飾)、覺得做家庭主婦很無聊的老媽伊余子(中島朋子 飾)。這個乍看平凡的大杉一家人,某日突然覺醒,認為自己是火星人、水星人、金星人、地球人。
《AV 女優的告白》The Lowlife
34-year-old childless housewife who’s stuck in a passionless rut with hubby Kenta (Yoichiro Saito) and knows deep in her heart they’re never going to start the family she so desperately wants. The next time viewers see Miho is at a nude photo audition for a porn production company. Her face and body language say it all both here and when she appears in her first film a few days later. Miho can scarcely believe what she’s doing but at the same time is absolutely certain it’s a step she wants to take at this moment in her life.
Inevitably, all three women face moments of truth when family members discover their secret. For Ayano, this means a screaming confrontation with her horrified mother, Izumi (Makiko Watanabe).
《貓之 Café》 Cat Café
櫻花(Yurika Kubo)在秋葉原的咖啡館“MOCHA”工作。
每天她都會遇到, 通過貓尋求治癒療的各種客戶 -
第1集 - Shiho是女子組的成員,最近一直是“MOCHA”的常客。 雖然她擔心與小組其他成員以及她在高中的朋友之間的關係,但她卻為英國短毛貓“Buri”歡呼。
第2集 - 為了克服他的仇恨,Yusaku訪問“MOCHA”。 經常討好的布娃娃“Koguma”讓這個尷尬的男人敞開心扉。
第3集 - Sayo因照顧年邁的母親而疲憊不堪。 她的母親患有癡呆症,導致嚴重的記憶障礙。 當Sayo覺得他們之間的聯繫被打破時,她想起了, 她父親所愛的貓….家庭記憶。
第4集 - 櫻花的意外過去揭開了......
Sakura (Yurika Kubo) works at a cat café “MOCHA” in Akihabara.
Every day she meets various customers who seek healing through the cats -
Episode 1.- Shiho, a member of a girls group, has been a frequent customer of “MOCHA” recently. While she is worried about the relationship with the other members of the group, as well as her friends at high school, she gets cheered up a British Shorthair “Buri”.
Episode 2.- To overcome his cat-hating, Yusaku visits “MOCHA”. A Ragdoll “Koguma”, which often fawns on, makes the awkward man open his mind.
Episode 3.- Sayo has been exhausted with caring for her aged mother. Her mother has dementia, which causes serious memory disorder. When Sayo feels that the bond between them is being broken, she is reminded of her family memories by cats, which her father loved.
Episode 4.- Sakura’s unexpected past is unveiled…….
The Incredible Monk - Dragon Return
高本與自少青梅竹馬 - 鳳儀相好,但天意卻令鳳儀被迫下海為妓。高深愛鳳,卻被千夫所指而不敢娶鳳為妻。高求助於濟公,濟公歷盡千辛萬苦,誓要撮合這對苦命人!一切成功在望之時,高的手下們卻施以毒手,將儀殺掉,望高可忘卻兒女私情,專心為國為民。
The Incredible Monk
天庭之上玉皇大帝論功行賞,道濟與眾仙道別時,卻發現伏虎的眼神竟殘留了一絲魔性。道濟屈指一算就算到了又有浩劫將至。就在這時,一把聲熟悉的聲音在道濟的身後響起:”不用怕,下次有我來幫你!”道濟回頭一看,站在他面前的正是齊天大聖 – 孫悟空!
Daoji stationed in Suzhou and Hangzhou during Southern Song Dynasty, to prevent goblins and leprechauns from causing chaos. The country was prosperous and the people were at peace. As time went by, people wanted change. Daoji saved the people from a tsunami caused by an aqua monster, but he was blamed for not fulfilling his duty. People started following the papal of Hongyuan doctrine Sima Liang, who asked the people to convert from Buddhism to Hongyuan. Soon came the sudden news that the Emperor was dead and a young emperor reigned. Daoji found the news suspicious and decided to go to the Celestial court to seek the truth.
After thorough investigation, Daoji found that it was the well-orchestrated conspiracy of Roc, who uses an enchanted purple crystal to collect people’s wrath, greed and discontent to strengthen himself and to build a giant pagoda where would access to the Celestial Court. By doing so, Roc can overthrow the Spiritual Trinity. Knowing something bad was going on, Fat Fairchild helped Daoji to reach the Emperor of the Gods. The Emperor of the Gods summoned the five strongest demigods: Ehlong God, Thor, Nezha, the Fairy of Nine Heaven and Daoji’s close friend Fuhu the tiger taming lohan, to help combat the evil force in the Mortal.
The six demigods together subdued Roc and demolished the giant pagoda. The justice league saved the world once again.
The Emperor of the Gods rewarded them for their achievements. When Daoji was bidding farewell to his colleagues, he sensed a trace of evilness in Fuhu’s eyes. As Daoji reckoned another catastrophe was bound to happen. At that moment, he heard a familiar voice behind him, “Don’t worry, I will be there to help you next time.” He turned and saw the Monkey King, Sun Wukong.
The film opens in a run-down, abandonad warehouse where a film crew are making a zombie film…
Yet, this is no ordinary warehouse. It’s been said that it’s the site of where military experiments took place…
Out of nowhere, real zombies arrive and terrorize the crew!
This may sound like a the plot of a clichéd zombie film, but One Cut of the Dead is something completely different! Starting off with a non-stop one-take 37 minute shot, the film then completely switches direction and turns the zombie genre completely upside down into a charming, audience-friendly comedy!
Drifting aimlessly through life, Kaisi (Li Yi Feng: Hundred Flowers Winner Mr. Six, Guilty of Mind) has racked up debts of several million having borrowed money from his friends. Lured with the promise of writing it all off, Kaisi leaves his ailing mother and childhood sweetheart Qing (Zhou Dongyu: Golden Horse winner Soul Mate, Under the Hawthorn Tree, The Thousand Faces of Dunjia) to board the ship Destiny and attend a gambling party controlled by the mysterious Anderson (Michael Douglas: Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction, Wall Street). All players join the game with stars. For each game they lose, their opponent captures a star. Everyone is holding daggers behind their backs plotting dirty means by which to overcome their opponents. The game quickly deteriorates into a slaughter and Kaisi must battle save his own skin... Animal World is China's The Hunger Games meets The Matrix. A suspenseful action-packed blockbuster, Animal World is the new film from director Han Yan, best known for Go Away, Mr. Tumor which represented China for the 88th Academy Awards, and producer Chen Zhixi, famed for her hit films Lost in Thailand and Detective Chinatown.
《3個綁匪7條心》Rhapsody of Kidnapping
電影講述星仔 (張建聲 飾)、肥秋 (肥腸 飾)、Eric (郭偉亮 飾) 自行開創事業,設計新科技產品出售,沒想到突然遭到一名狡猾的上巿公司投資人江東林 (何華超 飾)偷去他們的發明,令他們血本無歸。 三人原本的創業夢遭到嚴重打擊,並為此欠下鉅債。一次機緣巧合下三人在夜店遇到江東林的妻子Cheryl (伍詠薇 飾),四人玩至爛醉,翌日醒來Cheryl被他們五花大綁在床上,三人決定將錯就錯綁架她,逼江東林交出贖金,否則撕票。可是,江東林卻不關心妻子的死活,與情婦鬼混,於是三人又再綁架他的情婦Mimi (陳婉衡 飾)、女兒 Jenny(余香凝 飾) 及其岳母(黃文慧 飾),以為可以迫他交贖金。但江東林依然無動於衷,為刺激他們三人撕票,江東林更主動報警及通知記者。
其實善良的三人根本沒打算綁架,他們不僅沒殺掉四女,還細心地照顧她們。四個被綁者漸漸地出現「斯德歌爾摩症候群」,和綁匪互相培養出奇特的感情,星仔與Jenny互生情愫,患有老人痴呆症的江東林岳母更視星仔為兒子,Mimi色誘肥秋…… 原來江東林為人喪心病狂,不單對妻子、情婦及女兒不好,更加對岳母不孝,四女一早已打算脫離他的魔掌,也不願回到他身邊。四女決定順水推舟好好敲詐江東林一筆,覺得此路不通的星仔想要中途放棄,但現在反而是四女將星仔、聰、肥秋三人「擺上檯」,於是七個人一條心,一起對付江東林……
《我在故宫修文物》Masters in Forbidden City
《我在故宮修文物》是一部拍攝故宮稀世文物修復故事的紀錄片,近距離展示稀世珍寶的“復活”技術,文物修復師的日常生活與修身哲學 。該紀錄片把工匠精神這件嚴肅的事講得細膩、溫軟且富有人情味。相比更多奇觀色彩頗重的紀錄片選題,《我在故宮修文物》的亮色,或許就如片中木器修復師說的那樣,從“格物”來“致知”:人們用自身來觀物,又以物來觀自身。重塑一件件被歷史封塵的故宮文物的,來自於一位位文物修復師的氣質和品格。它的迷人之處並非驚天動地,理應是細水長流的。該片一部內蘊優裕的紀錄片,在一個個對於文物修復師而言的稀鬆日常裡,我們能夠看到比修復鐘錶、青銅器、木器、古琴更多的東西。片中提到一句“修復文物是穿越古今與千百年前進行對話的特殊職業和生命體驗”,在故宮神秘的身影下,這似乎更令人感到驚豔。好的紀錄片應當在主題層面有源源不斷的內容可供開掘,《我在故宮修文物》用一個看似“邊緣”的選題令人看到諸多面向的可能性,這構成它的延展性,亦是眾人對其大銀幕轉化的期待所在。
"Cultural relics" and their "resurrection of artifacts""! As so far only a system of making the Imperial Palace story of rare cultural relics repair large documentary, 3 Episode documentary "in the Imperial Palace I repair cultural relics" with the young perspective into the ancient the Imperial Palace, the first systematic research the historical origin of China restoration of cultural relics, the top secret world cultural relics "Resurrection" technology. In late January 7, 2016 8 CCTV-9 premiere. Key records in the the Imperial Palace painting, bronze ware, ceramics, wood, court watch, lacquer, mosaic, embroidery and so on Treasure Palace, the repair process and repair the field of rare and rare cultural relics of the life story. China restoration process and technology first complete film appeared in the world's top, show the relics of the original state and state; the first close to show the inner world heritage restoration experts and daily life; the first full comb Chinese conservation history; the first time through the restoration of cultural relics "Temple" and "wild field interaction of" four classes "to show the traditional China only inheritance" work scholar, farmer, artisan and merchant "ordered" class inheritance and password, and change their beliefs.
Aki Oria (Yuki Sakurai) came to Tokyo ten years ago to become an actress. She is now 29-years-old and works as a magician's assistant. She has no passion for her work or goals to live for. She pretends to be hypnotized on stage. This leads to a blurred line between reality and illusion. Soon, her mental state drifts between the two mental states.
《貓咪收集之家》 Neko Atsume House
新人獎小說家佐久本勝(伊藤淳史 飾)因陷入創作樽頸變得萎靡。在編輯會議上,為了讓本勝再次登上暢銷排行,總編輯建議他以時下最流行的「屍速」系列作為新小說的主題。為了專心寫作,本勝搬到郊區古宅,卻一直沒有任何創作靈感。某天,一隻萌貓突然闖進他家的後院,令他重拾小時候的溫暖感覺。慢慢地,愈來愈多貓咪走進他的家,而且無視本勝的存在,自由地在大宅內走來走去。本勝忽發奇想,並在責任編輯美知留(忽那汐里 飾)及寵物店老闆(木村多江 飾)協助下,把後院變成貓咪天堂,用玩具、床鋪與罐罐吸引萌貓來訪,自此開始「貓咪收集」的生活。本勝透過跟貓咪們的相處,領悟了最重要的事,創作靈感也開始爆發…..
Launched in 2014, Neko Atsume, the smartphone game about collecting kitties in your yard, turned into a global sensation. The strangely satisfying zen of attracting and accumulating adorable cats has now inspired a warm and comedic live-action drama. Struggling novelist Sakumoto Masaru moves to a countryside home in hopes of getting over his creative slump. Unexpectedly, cats show up at his home to disrupt him. Drawn to the visitors, he leaves toys and food outside, and soon more and more cats gather in his yard. From interacting with the cats, Masaru begins to learn about himself and what really matters in life.
2047年,為了處理日益嚴重的暴力事件, 東星科技企業警隊研發了一種新的頭盔裝備, 該頭盔可令人類的反射神經和力量瞬間提升好幾倍, 坊間稱為鐵頭人, 使用這種裝備的特別員警已在投入服務了。
此時浩東遇到“崇拜自己”的啊必和李sir,他們都希望浩東重出江湖,浩東毅然拒絕;鐵頭人出現將車房老闆殺死。浩東拿出自己私藏武器和鐵頭人對抗,將幾個鐵頭人打倒,此時阿必和李Sir回來相助,令鐵頭人節節敗退,正當眾人以為勝利之際,浩東收到天二求的救電話...鐵頭軍闖入天二的家大屠殺。浩東遲來一步, 親眼目睹鐵頭人將天二從高樓摔死。得知好兄弟死去的消息讓陳浩東痛心不己,發誓要為天二報復,於是連絡豆皮向香港大師求助。
In year 2047 The Eastern Cave – HongKong, The Technology of Surveillance, Forensic Investigation and Weapon Automation has enabled Governments to wipe up all crime syndicates. Although they are the most advnaced in technologies,1% of the criminals still hides within the dark.
Those who escaped began to look for “The True Meaning of Crime”Via old movies they sought to copy the image of “Gu Wak Zai”(Gangster). But people has long since forgotten the real meaning of such, and simply cite them as “righteous samurai”
Chan Hotung - The Ex-Leader of Gu Wak Zai group “ Dragon of the Four Seas”in Mongkok. After the years he quit and work in the car shop with a Low wages without dignity, somehow, his Old Enemies Kurou has become a ECO of Technology company \\\"EastStar” , Kurou lead a Cyborg soldier “Iron Head” to persecution the old Gu Wak Zai include Hotung and his old brothers.
To defeat a Invincible enemy, Hotung decided find one man to help - The HongKong Master, The legendary man who merges technology and feng shui together.
With two magician weapons Quantum Blade and Thunder Cannon from Hong Kong Master, Hotung and his brothers put their lives on defending their homeland and beat those Iron Heads.
The Ultimate HongKong Sci Fi battle has begun !
姊姊一青妙 (木南晴夏 飾) 在整理即將拆卸的東京老家時,意外發現一個紅色木盒 – 裡面裝著20年前過世母親和枝 (河合美智子 飾) 留下的的一些舊書信以及一本台灣料理食譜。一青妙的父親(吳朋奉飾)是台灣人,母親是日本人,一青妙童年時代和母親跟隨著父親在台灣生活。在陌生的環境下,母親努力適應,並跟鄰居太太學習不同的台灣料理,為家人精心準備便當和晚餐。
妹妹一青窈 (藤本泉 飾) 出生後一家人移居到東京,但沒多久父親便過世,留下母女三人相依為命。雖然生活艱難,但開朗堅強的母親每天都堅持在日本用心採購食材並親自下廚,為女兒複製記憶中的台灣味道。母親的料理更是姊妹兩人每天的心靈食物,充滿一家人愛的回憶。後來母親因病去世,讓兩個女兒走出傷痛的依然是冰箱裡最後一餐媽媽的味道。在母親病逝後20年,姊妹二人在媽媽的墓前知道了媽媽留下的秘密,妙決定親身前往兒時的故鄉 – 台灣,尋找媽媽在食譜內隱藏的心意。
Sisters Tae Hitoto (Haruka Kinami) and Yo Hitoto (Izumi Fujimoto) return to their old family home which is set to be torn down. There, Tae Hitoto discovers a box containing recipes and letters written by her mother who died 20 years ago. Her mother moved to Taiwan and married a Taiwanese man. After her husband's death, she endured a battle with cancer. Tae Hitoto decides to travel to Taiwan to trace her mother's past and reminisce about the food she made.
《我們的6E班》Our Days in 6E
香港有一所另類「國際學校」名叫勵志中學。大部分學生以南亞裔為主,亦包括內地新移民或成績較差的本地學生。學生操行問題、教學支援不足等惡劣條件,令學校師生間氣氛長期處在緊張狀態,校長和教 師心疲力竭。
Park Sir(孫耀威飾)及Miss Law (葉芷如飾)一片雄心要把學生們對學校的歸屬感提升,還有增加對學校生活及個人生命的積極性。 因此Park Sir及Miss Law藉著每年一度的校際才藝大賽,希望讓6E班的同學能通過團體合作提高他們跟別人相處的融和力,透過比賽去培養他們之間的和諧默契,更能打破學生之間的種族隔膜。
就在練習進行得如火如荼之際,幾個學生陸續出現各種問題。首先父母雙亡而有童年陰影的小崗(阮頌揚飾),與他惟一相依為命的祖母卻不幸中風,他出於孝心想要退學出來工作賺錢養家……接著就是JJ(陳欣妍飾)因為缺乏家庭溫暖而鑽牛角尖自殺,幸好及時被獲救,在鬼門關走了一圈的jj一夜長大,明白需要珍惜身邊一切…..然後是尼泊爾藉學生Nara(彭志偉飾),他的表哥跟黑幫走在一起幹不法勾當, 被黑幫追殺而死,亦令Nara牽涉在內,更差點遭受牢獄之苦…… 而巴基斯坦藉學生Sab(喬加雲飾)因為父母逼婚而離家出走,更被騙被逼良為娼,Park Sir 及Miss Law等人焦急無奈……
Dr. Seung-hoon sedates his landlord before medical check-up, when the old man begins telling him a convincing murder confession. Sometime later, a young woman's severed head is discovered at a butcher shop run by his landlord's son, and Seung-hoon begins to suspect that the landlord and his son are the serial killers.
《黃金愛樂樂團》 Golden Orchestra
Ann’s first leading film role takes up the conductor’s a baton to lead an amateur orchestra of old men! Chizuru is a teacher who spent her student days playing violin in an orchestra. She looks to enter the local Umegaoka Philharmonic Orchestra, but accidentally joins the closely-named “Umegaoka Symphony Orchestra” instead, full of nothing but old men and women.
《那一年,我十七》Our Seventeen
Macau director Emily Chan’s take on the changes of her city since its handover in 1999 through a story about youth, music and first love.
The story revolves around a relentless and passionate pursuit of music among teenagers and their constant explorations of self-values, starting with Winson adjusting himself to a new school, at a time shortly before Macau’s handover in 1999.
Don 是世界級網球冠軍,少女心目中偶像。他除了比賽場上幸運,更幸運是有一個當時得令明星女朋友。
久違女友Dew與Don 重逢,如何令Don重新振作?
A perfect world champion tennis pro "Don " (Sunny Suwanmethanont) who is an idol for everyone. He's both lucky in game and lucky in love that his girlfriend is a superstar.
Later, his girlfriend turned his marriage proposal down to date with a rock star. Don was left heartbroken. After having sunk into misery for months, his long-lost friend, "Dew" appears from nowhere and revives his paralyzed mind. Can this girl be the game changer in Don's love life?
《初戀日記 : 賤男蜜擾》to love or not to love
初戀,應該是甜蜜蜜的,但如果第一次拍拖就遇上賤男該怎麼辦? 懵懂少女查子頎(音:琪) (王敏奕 飾) 的初戀日記,偏偏遇上劈腿賤男張子豪 (馬志威 飾),甜蜜戀愛夢換來一顆破碎的心。感情路上,有人會選擇繼續天真,子頎長大後卻進化成了戀愛導師,開班教授俘虜男人心的技巧,成為城中女生的偶像、男人的噩夢。不再相信愛情的子頎,一日重遇暗戀她多年的韓籍舊同學安俊源 (符龍飛 飾),這位暖男成功讓她重新感受到單純的愛。偏偏就在此時,「賤男」張子豪再次出現,三人掀起一場浪漫搞笑的戀愛角逐,子頎面對愛情的抉擇,最後會如何選擇.....?
17-year-old Casey (Venus Wong) is a high-school student who works very hard on studies, busy preparing for her college admission examination. She is not allowed to have any romantic relationships by her parents, yet like all the teenage girls, she also dreams for having a boyfriend. Elton (Edward Ma) who sits in front of her in the class, wins her heart by a gamble. Casey and Elton’s love story is full of sweet and romantic memories as it is both their first love. However, their love story goes to the end after Casey goes to college. Elton has an affair and broke Casey’s heart.
Three years later, when the two meets each other again, Casey becomes a “love professional”, a tutor who teaches girls to get a perfect boyfriend. Elton is now a successful business man who runs a company that explores new apps. Elton runs after Casey again, but Casey cannot forget the past. The appearance of a perfect guy Adam (Jason Fu), urges Casey to make a choice of her love. But Casey is about to leave with Adam, she finds out the truth of Elton’s affair 3 years ago…
《少年當自強》 Unbeatable Youth
With all the martial arts schools flourishing in Foshan, it’s become the mecca of elite fighters. Chin Wu Athletic Association is the best among them. Warlord Tsui hosts a banquet that invites the best fighter from eight different countries to compete, which stirred up hatred and jealousy. Meanwhile, many group masters got ambushed and killed mysteriously. At the banquet, everyone compete with his best skills trying to fight until the end. Some young heroes fall and some persevere. In the end, Foshan’s young heroes win and foreigners lose the competition.
《真假鐵馬騮》The Real Iron Monkey
A young man Tang Au in the Chin Wu Athletic Association finds out that the British have been smuggling Tang imperial treasures out of the country. Tang gets badly beaten up, lost his memory partially, and cannot find his way home. Meanwhile, his son Nam San is abducted by the foreigners. Tang's wife tries to stop the British from stealing treasure, while finding their missing son and husband. Will Tang recover his memory of his wife and son, and can they succeed in stopping.
A young man Tang Au in the Chin Wu Athletic Association finds out that the British have been smuggling Tang imperial treasures out of the country. Tang gets badly beaten up, lost his memory partially, and can not find his way home. Meanwhile, his son Nam San is abducted by the foreigners. Tang's wife tries to stop the British from stealing treasure, while finding their missing son and husband. Will Tang recover his memory of his wife and son, and can they succeed in stopping the imperial treasure from being stolen ?......
《軍閥年代》Times of Warlords
After the fall of Ching Dynasty in China comes the rise of warlords, and Lui Hung colludes with the Japanese army and becomes the most powerful of them. Chin Wu Athletic Association sent Yu Ting to assassinate Lui. Although he fails to kill Lui, Yu falls in love with his mistress Siu Wei. Lui is in fact a traitor of the Japanese army, and Kwok Tin is the mastermind behind all this. But what is the reason behind it and who stands until the end?
《勇者無懼》The Brave Has No Fears
Kim Bi Cher tries to introduce the powerful "golden pill" to Kwok Tin. Kwok's son Chun Tung goes behind his father's back to become a disciple of Kim and takes the pill. He even puts the pills in Kwok's tea intending to help cure asthma. Both Kwok Tin and Chun Tung's health starts to deteriorate, and are both bed-ridden. It's because those pill are actually made with opium. Kwok leads Chun trying to rid their bodies of the addiction, and thus getting closer to each other. One of the biggest brawls breaks out at the opium den, and fire keeps burning for three days straight. Kim Bi Cher is defeated and law and order restores in Foshan.
《1日情人》 One Day
超級宅男 – IT人德仔 (德辰塔維飾),在公司從來都是可有可無角色,大家只在電腦壞了時才會想起他。一天,他幫新來的同事妞妞 (美蓮達飾),解決電腦問題,妞妞竟能叫出他的名字,讓德仔以為自己也有被重視一刻,馬上對妞妞產生愛意,視她為女神,但德仔其實知道,妞妞絕對不會喜歡自己這種宅男。
Denchai (Chantavit Dhanasevi), a 30 year-old geeky tech support engineer, is in love with his colleague Nui (Nittha Jirayungyurn) but does not have the courage to express his feelings towards her. He finally gets his chance during the company trip to Hokkaido. He makes a wish to be with Nui for just one day, and his wish comes true after she suffers temporary memory loss in a skiing accident by pretending to be her boyfriend.
刑警倉木 (西島秀俊 飾) 是警視廳公安部特務第一課搜查官,冷靜沉著,對調查案件的真相總是毫不猶豫,是公安部王牌。倉木本來擁有幸福的家庭,但年幻的女兒一日在家中溺斃,身為前警視廳公安部搜查員的妻子倉木千尋又在恐襲爆炸案中身亡。倉木其後查清妻子的死亡真相,隨著前事引起的波瀾漸漸平息,倉木失去生存的方向,意志消沉。但半年後,恐怖份子又再次策畫大規模的恐襲事件,冷血殺手權藤剛(松阪桃李 飾)帶領手下襲擊並爆破某高層建築。與此同時,幾個蒙面人試圖劫持Penam共和國大使館的汽車,擄刧大使人員的女兒,被偶然路過的倉木阻撓。曾在搜查一課當警部補大杉良太(香川照之 飾),看透了警界的黑暗,轉而成為一名私家偵探;警視廳公安部公安第二課搜查官,為階級巡査部長的明星美希 (真木陽子 飾),曾為了追查父親的死亡真相而受到警隊高層利用,他們二人和倉木在一起追查之前的恐襲真相後,今次再度碰頭,面對的危險及威脅更為艱鉅。
Set six months after Naotake (Hidetoshi Nishijima) learned the truth behind his wife's death. Naotake works for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Bureau, but feels worn out. Ryota (Teruyuki Kagawa) quit the police force due to his distrust of the department and now runs a private detective office.
An occupation and explosion case takes place simultaneously with an embassy attack. The attacks are orchestrated by crime planner Takayanagi (Yusuke Iseya) and assassin Gondo (Tori Matsuzaka) under the name of mysterious figure Daruma (Takeshi Kitano).
受到上司和後輩信賴,在職場上表現出色的江田真希 (川口春奈 飾),長得漂亮又打扮入時,但下了班後的真希,生活一塌糊塗,不止房間非常淩亂,而且完全不注意飲食的健康,長期只吃能量啫喱飲品和營養補充品為生,又沒有男人運,總是沒有遇上好男人或是被拋棄。
有一天真希到常去的酒吧喝悶酒,一個非常英俊的男子走進店來,令真希眼前一亮。慢著! 這個男人抱著......滿滿的一箱蔬菜? 真希最討厭的就是蔬菜,她大叫了一聲後就昏倒在酒吧 裡。第二天,真希從醉夢中醒來,看見昨晚的英俊男子,竟然在她的廚房做料理,而真希對昨晚發生的事毫無印像。這個陌生的男子,原來是一間名男校的美術老師片山渚(林遣都 飾),他無視真希的大呼小叫,將煮好的蔬菜料理都擺在真希面前,要她吃下。從來不吃蔬菜的真希,竟然覺得渚做的料理非常可口,而且統統吃掉。
真希馬上愛上這個從天而降的冷酷帥哥,但是,渚卻只喜歡男人,而他更是個素 ─ 食 ─ 者!即使成為戀人的希望瞬間幻滅,快要被迫遷的真希還是以最強的無賴態度,強行搬進了渚的家,開始了不可思議的同居生活。
無可救藥的浪漫主義者真希,和對女性全無興趣的素食主義者渚,一個熱情天真,一個冷靜內斂,兩人生活方式完全格格不入,引發連番爭吵。但渚卻每天用新鮮蔬菜,烹製出美味的料理,治癒了真希的心與身。渚發現真希討厭蔬菜,是因為當年父親豊(中野英雄 飾)不顧 一切開設農場,令全家都陷入困境,所以對蔬菜有著不可磨滅的陰影;而渚的心底裡,亦有 一段與哥哥有關的悲哀往事......
美味的料理,拉近了兩人的距離,產生了特別的情感。他們互相幫助對方去面對痛苦的回憶, 將苦澀的經歷化為成長的養份,為「快樂地生活下去」而努力。
Maki Eda (Haruna Kawaguchi) works for an advertising agency at a large company. She is a single and doesn't have good luck with men. She also isn't very good at cooking and likes eating junk food. One day, she meets Nagisa Katayama (Kento Hayashi). He is an art teacher and a vegetarian. Unlike Maki, Nagisa cooks very well.
The two people then happen to live together. Maki realizes that she is in love with Nagisa, but Nagisa is gay. Through his cooking, they solve their own problems and become important to each other.
《大話西遊-叄》 A Chinese Odyssey - Part.3
玉皇大帝安排取西經路線時, 寫遲了至尊寶出生時間。團隊出發而至尊寶未出生。玉皇大帝將錯就錯, 把六耳瀰猴打落凡間扮演孫悟空,將牛魔王等妖魔收拾。開始保護唐僧取經之旅。
In "A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella," to save the Monkey King, Daisy died in the Bull King’s trident. She floated around the boundless universe. When Monkey King is falling in love, he will be severely tightened by the golden headband. He has to relinquish all his human desires including love and lonely pilgrimages for the Buddhist scriptures with his master Longevity Monk…….
Daisy makes use of the Pandora's Box to travel through time and space to foresee the future. Then, she returns to the past to stop Joker (Monkey King) loving her....
When Emperor Jade scheduling the route for pilgrim's journey to the West to fetch the Buddhist scriptures, he writes Monkey King’s time of birth being late. So, the pilgrim’s team starts before Monkey King’s birth. Ignoring the wrong, Emperor Jade just lets it be and transmits the six-eared macaque to the earth being transformed into Monkey King and starts the mission to protect Longevity Monk for the pilgrim's journey.
《貓貓去哪兒》 Cats Don't Come When You Call
電影描述不喜歡貓的主人(風間俊介飾演)一天忽然被哥哥委託去照顧撿到的兩隻可愛小野貓,並被迫過著與兩隻喵星人的新生活。男主角從一開始對兩隻小貓的不悅與不爽,漸漸慢慢地透過日常生活而產生深厚感情的一部超級感人電影。 與兩隻小貓的平淡生活究竟是怎麼改變了他的一生!感動超過30萬人的真人真事改編電影「貓咪去那兒」,敬請期待!!
Mitsuo (Shunsuke Kazama), a boxer on the verge of turning 30, has dedicated his life to the sport. He needs only one more victory before he can start taking on the world.
Everything changes when he meets two kittens: Tiny, a male, and Blackie, a female. They have been taken in off the street by his older brother (Takeshi Tsuruno), a manga creator who lets him stay at his apartment free of charge. While his elder sibling struggles to meet an impending deadline, Mitsuo finds himself with no other choice but to look after the cats...
此片是從2010年開始,透過對狗的撲殺為主題,一個人在採訪有關如何幫助狗狗找個家,以及拯救福島核事故的狗“命運的奇事 ~ 福島核事故的狗”,和“女人家住了1000隻貓“等至今公佈的紀錄片節目等而成的戲劇紀錄片。山田導演本人融合了戲劇來處理劇本,以更正面的態度打動觀眾協助無家可歸的狗兒們。
Based on a documentary of over 200 hours of footage taken over a 4-year period by the heroine of this drama, director and reporter Kanami Hisano adds a dramatic protagonist-driven narrative to give birth to a new type of documentary drama depicting the real lives of cats, dogs and the emotions of those who care for them.
留學生盧珍溪(姚晨 飾)在美國賣假包被驅逐回國,商場精英文清(郝蕾 飾)遭遇小三插足,灰姑娘顧巧音(唐嫣 飾)家庭貧寒只想嫁個有錢人。她們從一開始的死對頭變成好閨蜜,並在事業導師孟曉駿(郭富城 飾)和盧珍溪的發小俊成(李晨 飾)的支持下,成為追求財富、愛情和地位的合夥人。她們短時間內取得巨大成功。不過好景不長,公司在市場激烈競爭下出現嚴重問題,陷入困局,同時三人的關係也出現破裂。面對困境,盧珍溪承受嚴峻考驗的同時,為夢想和合夥人走出了堅定的一步。
Three different women becomes business partner, with their own individuality, they create a new career. The movie combine friendship, love and dream, a feel-good movie for contemporary women.
A talented young boy called QIN Feng failed entrance examination of police school so that his grandmother sent him to Thailand with his cousin TANG Ren, who is known as ”the best detective of Chinatown”. Actually, TANG Ren is an “obscene” man and becomes a mysterious murder suspect after a night of crazy drinking with tons of pretty ladies. QIN Feng and TANG Ren have to run for their life…… Then “Crazy Dog” Detective HUANG Landeng who is in hot pursuit, TANG Ren and QIN Feng need to mutually reinforce and try their best to escape the hunt of police and thieves. Meanwhile, they have to find the lost gold and solve the real murderer within seven days…
唐朝貞觀三年(西元629年) 27歲的僧人玄奘決定去天竺佛國求法。因未獲得皇上恩准,同行者退卻,玄奘獨自上路。
It is the 3rd year of the Zhenguan Period of Tang Dynasty, 629 A.D. Buddhism is flourishing but with a lack of original texts, and many contradictory translations, no one can say for sure what is the true path. The 27-year-old monk Xuanzang defies the emperor’s ban on westward travel and strikes out alone from the Tang capital of Chang’an for the homeland of the Buddha. His journey takes him across harsh mountains and into vast and desolate deserts. Without water, pushed to the absolute limits of endurance, he nearly dies. What’s more, at every pass and town along the way there is a warrant for his arrest. His faith sustains him in hardship – and convinces those who should arrest him to let him go.
Finally, he reaches the most important temple of its time, Nalanda. He spends five years there, studying dharma (Buddhist law) with the learned elder, Silabhadra. He travels widely, and wins a famous theological debate that has gone down in the history of religion. After nineteen years away, in 645 A.D., Xuanzang returns to Chang’an with hundreds of Buddhist relics, statues and sutras, ensuring Buddhism’s future in its new homeland.
《卧虎藏龍︰青冥寶劍》 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon:Sword of Destiny
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny tells an epic story of last love, young love, a legendary sword. It also tells of one last opportunity at redemption, set against breath-talking action in an epic martial arts battle between good and evil.
我們的故事 請你一定要「看到最後」……
Side A - 大學生鈴木在聯誼會上認識牙醫助手小繭 (前田敦子飾),並對她一見鍾情,小繭自然不做作、開朗又可愛,是很多男性心目中的理想對象,而小繭竟然也對沒談過戀愛的鈴木有好感,兩人開始交往。鈴木為了小繭改變造型、考駕照、買新車、減肥……一步步成為小繭心目中的好男人。這一刻,他覺得自己和小繭的愛可以直到地老天荒,他願意為了小繭做任何事。一向是肥醜宅男的鈴木,竟會得到女神的垂青,自此,鈴木的人生發生了180度的轉變,有如將人生的卡式帶翻到B面重新開始……
Side B - 受到上司賞識,鈴木被調派往東京工作,獨留小繭在靜岡,兩人展開了遠距離戀愛,由最初的甜蜜溫馨,漸漸不敵距離而惡化,新公司的美女同事美彌子 (木村文乃 飾) 又積極向鈴木表示好感,令鈴木在這段感情中進退兩難。
Initiation Love opens in the late 1980s in Shizuoka where nerdy college student Yuki Suzuki (Shota Matsuda) meets cheery dental assistant Mayuko Naruoka (Atsuko Maeda) at a group dinner. He is immediately smitten and works up the courage to ask her out. Thus, begins Yuki's innocent first love. Later on, Yuki, who has greatly improved his looks and confidence since dating Mayuko, gets transferred to Tokyo for work, and the two begin a long-distance relationship. Over time, Yuki sees Mayuko less and less, and develops a relationship on the side with another girl (Fumino Kimura, Love For Beginners).
《楊貴妃-王朝的女人》 Lady Of The Dynasty
“Lady of the Dynasty” starts off with the point of view from an Eastern Roman Empire missionary and the core of love story between Imperial Concubine Yang Yuhuan and Emperor Tang Ming Huang that they bet their lives on love.
Through the whole life of Yang Yuhuan, she has witnessed the entire empire of Tang Dynasty from prosperity to decline, battles derived from seizing power and the internal confrontation of royal court. It displays the distinctive picturesque of Tang Dynasty and the fates of characters like splitting silk to be doomed. A magnificent and blossoming dynasty is concealed by the truth of love, hatred and enmity.
1978年,在小房間裡,惠美子和洋互相依偎著對方又濕又冷的身體取暖。惠美子回想起父親去世的那天,開始哭了。洋輕輕的用手臂摟住她,說:「你從來沒有這樣哭過。」 惠美子是在高中時認識高年級的學長洋,他們同樣參加了新聞部。一天惠美子逃課,在新聞部活動室打發時間,洋突然走進來要求和她接吻...
In 1978, in the small room, Emiko and Hiroshi warm their wet and cold bodies each other. Emiko recalls the day her father died and starts crying. Hiroshi gently put his arm around her and said “you never cried like this before”.
Emiko and Hiroshi met when they were in high school. Emiko was in the freshman year and Hiroshi was senior but both belonged to newspaper club.
One day, when Emiko skipped her class and killed the time in the clubroom, Hiroshi came and suddenly asked her to kiss. “Do you like me?” “No, I don’t. But I wanna kiss you.” Emiko could not resist him and they kissed passionately. After school on the same day, Emiko asked Hiroshi to come and see her at the café. Emiko revealed her feeling toward him but only he said was “I was just interested in woman’s body. It didn’t have to be you.” Since then, Hiroshi started to avoid her because of his guilty but she could not stand to be invisible for him so she decided to be a convenient girl for him.
A year later, Hiroshi graduated school and went to Tokyo. Even if they got separated, they kept having a physical relationship. Emiko was still crushed on him so bad, and she could not concentrate in her study and ended up tobe failed all exams for entering collages. Her mother could not stand to see such daughter and accused and called her promiscuous, but it was pointless for her.
Another year later, 1978, Emiko moved to Tokyo and works at flower shop as a part-time job. One day, Emiko told Hiroshi that her mother visit her few days, and asked him not to come her house. Hiroshi seemed not to be happy and he came her house after all. Now he is the one who fall in love with her and try to get her heart. The situation became different as it used to be and the position turned upside down.
模特兒公司經理人查理,利用少女愛成名弱點,藉著介紹少女當模特兒為名,將少女出賣。Catherine 力奉美女 LuLu, Qoo 及 Suki 參加星模比賽,以為可以助他們發展模特兒事業。可惜少女不堪經理人查理之利用出賣色相,最後只有 LuLu 勝出 "星模" 大賽,當上第一代星模美名。
Charlie, modeling agency manager, takes advantage of young girls who puff up with vanity. He makes use of introducing them to be models, but actually betrays them. Catherine encourages Lulu, Qoo and Suki to participate in a singing and modeling contest, because she wants to help them to develop their modeling career.
Unfortunately, the young girls cannot resist the temptation from Charlie. They even betrayed their dignity tending to be sensual. Finally, LuLu is the only winner in the "Star Model" contest and gain the fame of first generation.
痞性十足的冷鋒(吳京 飾)屢屢惹禍,有人說他是流氓,是痞子, 也有人說他是英雄,是傳奇,一次行動中冷鋒違抗軍令打死了恐怖分子,要被開除出隊,卻意外得到了神秘部隊戰狼的接納,但本想換個地方繼續惹禍的他卻跳進了另外一個深淵, 被美軍前海豹突擊隊盯上;冷傲的戰狼副隊長;性感的女上司;心計頗深腹黑的毒梟,枉死的隊友,雇傭兵跨過邊境線入侵中國.......一切都使他陷入了麻煩中。
A Chinese special force soldier with extraordinary marksmanship is confronted by a group of deadly foreign mercenaries who are hired to assassinate him by a vicious drug lord.
《爸爸去哪兒2》 Dad,Where Are You Going II
"爸爸去哪兒"第二季四組星爸萌娃原班人馬即將整裝待發,而這一次"終極任務"的目的地,將是風光旖旎的太平洋島國 - "斐濟",然而等待大家想不到的是,剛一到斐濟上空,一個個不可思議的任務與挑戰就開始了:高空跳傘、荒島生存般艱苦的兩天一夜.......
"Daddy where to go to" the second season of four groups of star dad adorable baby will be fully equipped for the same people, and this time the "mission" destination, will be an exquisite scenery of the Pacific island of Fiji - waiting for everyone, however unexpected is, just over to Fiji, tasks and challenges of a incredible began: skydiving, to survive on a desert island like hard two days one night......